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April 2022: a tribute to queens – Wedgewood Queens-ware

Danielle Lord

I love Wedgewood, in particular Jasperware followed closely by Queens-ware. Jasperware and Queensware are fairly similar in their design: both have a high-relief of grapevines and Greco-Roman figures. Jasperware is unglazed, while Queens-ware is glazed. Josiah Wedgewood (1730-1795) began a career in pottery, but a leg injury kept him from being a potter. Instead he became a designer with many popular and enduring patterns. Jasperware is the original unglazed pottery with a relief and many others have followed the design of the relief and unglazed pottery. While experimenting with new techniques, he also designed cream-ware, which when presented to Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), ordered the first set of creamsware re-branding it to “Queens ware.”

Welcome back diners to April 2022 edition of Dinners in the Dining Room and a tribute to Queens, in this case Queens-ware.

Join Lucinda and Millie for an April lunch. I hope you enjoy this table set with Queens-ware, and a few other random pieces in blue and white.

The place setting begins with a Anchor-Hocking Lace edge milk-glass charger, the Queensware pattern in Lavender (which yes, looks blue to me as well, but we’ll play along), and mixed in a Homer Laughlin Eggshell salad plate.

I mixed in Gorham Lancaster Rose silver, its high floral relief works well with the high-relief on the Queens-ware.

In addition to the dinnerware, Queensware has a variety of serving and display pieces like this beautiful Queensware vase. I have a set of these vases, and they were my gateway drug into the world of Wedgewood. They were gifted to my grandma from one of her aunts, then given to me. They are some of my favorite pieces.

I love the ram’s head on this toureen!

And some Haviland ramekins for some additional blue and white

Here is an unmarked pitcher in the Wedgewood style.

And, a little Jasperware. This is a cute set of “spill vases”

Some more Wedgewood, and some of my favorite small things: Wedgewood place-card holder. So cute and so hard to find!

A new series of Napkin Blings: the baby blues, for the occasion. You can find them in the shop tab on the Dinners in the Dining Room shop, this one is a set of four (4).

Meet Lucinda and Millie…

Thanks for visiting today, don’t forget to pop into the “shop” and see if anything interesting jumps into your shopping bag. I will get the new set of Baby Blues Napkin Blings into inventory shortly. Please feel free to comment below and share with others who may appreciate the Queens-ware table. And most important, thank you for you on-going support!

See you later in April for a Marie Antoinette inspired table! Until then enjoy something beautiful! ~d

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