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By the sea: what's released from the depths

Danielle Lord

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Welcome back diners!

There's never a bad day at the beach. Growing up, my grandparents had a beach house on the Puget Sound, I realized that the gray, gloomy days were just as beautiful as the sunny ones. Even better was a February storm...unless it washed it washed out the bulk-head...that was not so good.

Just as the table is set for two, a late winter storm has blown in. There's something Gothically romantic about a good storm, even better when its a storm at the beach. Better still, the first morning walk discovering treasures churned up by the waves and released from the depths.

Just as the lights flicker out, you're left to dine by candlelight serenaded by the drama at the shore.

I used a basic metallic charger - not gold, not silver just a nice warm metallic. The dinner plates are Pier 1 green glass that remind me of beach glass. The salad plates, well you're not likely to find those anywhere. I actually sacrificed a silk blouse for these! A little decoupage and the perfect plates appear when non was available. I used a bold gold flatware pattern, the water goblets are one of my favorites: Chardonnay Gold by Oscar de la Renta.

Some sea-side treasures -

I made these jeweled shell "glasses" for the tables -

This is one of the two candle-stands that I made for the table. They're both available in the Slug-n-Nettle shop. This one is 3"

The second, smaller 2" candle holder is on the right

These napkin rings are also available in the shop.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed the beach table. I was striving for something a little different than they typical sunny-day table.

Hope to see you back in March, where I'll tackle the red transferware challenge #3: Along the primrose path. Until then, enjoy something beautiful. Please feel free to leave a comment and share with others. ~d

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