Well, something I never thought I'd be hosting: a cowboy themed dinner party.
When a dinner party opportunity for a net-working group presented itself (because who can say no to hosting a dinner party), the menu was perfect for a cowboy-themed table-setting! Remarkably, I had plenty of "stuff" (cause of being a stuff person) around the house to actually pull together a pretty cute table.
I wanted more of a "prairie" feel rather than a true southwest, desert feel. This table had some elements of both. I began with some cowhides that we have for the table "linens" to help set the scene and included these really cute plates "Primrose Dell" as an accompaniment to Signature Sorrento set, in all the right prairie colors.
This cute little pattern is actually a British manufacturer, Royal Stafford, but has always had a bit of a prairie feel to it. And considering that many US settlers were Europeans, it is not out of the question to believe that they would have some European china. Then I found "denim" looking napkins, which were perfect!
Of course what was the old west without a great saloon...liquor quality however was most likely a bit questionable...
I have a huge selection of books, they make great additions to buffet lines and tables. I selected a series that had a cowboy or old west theme. And a bridle.
I used a well-loved set of Stephen's boots for flowers and of course any good prairie home would have had ample chickens.
The time of year was just right for peonies, they match this cute little vintage pitcher.
This old pack saddle and vintage ironstone pitcher were the perfect finishing touches.
Or, maybe it was the snake...sorry Maribel!
A well-enjoyed meal! Compliments to the cook: Dave for fantastic menu planning, preparation, and cooking in a foreign kitchen.
Well, there you have it. My first and most likely ever attempt at a cowboy table-setting. I thought it was pretty cute! Let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment and invite others to dinner.
Until next time, enjoy something beautiful!
A note on the shop: still trying to get inventory loaded. Its coming together slowly.