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Christmas 2024: red transferware challenge #12 and Spode Christmas Tree

Danielle Lord

Hello Diners, welcome back! To wrap up the year, this is a two-fer blog with a final red transferware challenge table and our Christmas Dinner table featuring Spode Christmas - a study of green!

Spode Christmas Tree: a study in green

Red transferware challenge #12: the Scottie Brigade

A year can be a long-time, as a recap, during 2023, I ended up with four random red transferware dinner plates. Not having a ton of red, and wondering what I was going to do with them, I challenged myself to a year of red transferware tablescapes. Some were much more elaborate than others and as the year progressed, and I became busier with my business, their elaborate nature wanned a bit, but not the idea. I am going to try to do a year re-cap shortly, but not today :)

So, here is red transferware challenge #12: The Scottie Brigade. Sorry, its a bit of a photo-dump! Here goes -

I love Scottie dogs. They have this regalness about them, they're fun, playful, and are definitely able to stand their ground, even as little things with short legs. I recall my first love of scottie's with the book, Angus and the Cat, and even had a scottie dog for many years, named Angus of course. Though my youngest daughter Claire called him Ang-gee, which eventually stuck. And, I continue to curate my own collection of scottie "stuff."

Spode Christmas Tree - a study in green

We alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with Stephen's brother Paul. Additionally, we alternate between our two heritages - German and British. This year, it was a German dinner for 18.

Being a lover of green, I decided to set this table in a variety of shades of green, and it turned out much better than I anticipated. The only change I would have made was white roses in the centerpiece vase (a gift from my grandmother), but sometimes a pop of color is nice. OK - another photo dump -

Whoops, a bit of my work was left on the patio door. I did remember to remove prior to seating!

Thanks for stopping by today, and thank you for the support you've shown over the past few years. Its began this blog four years ago, and last year was a bit sloppy as my business grew very rapidly, sometimes making this blog a lessor of a priority. I am looking forward to even more tables in 2025 and even included my Dinners blog in my own strategic plan!

Please feel free to comment and share with others who might enjoy beautiful tables and all things vintage. Happy New Year, see in 2025 - first scheduled tablescape: "crown jewels," until then, enjoy something beautiful! ~d

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2 коментарі

Pat Schmidt
02 січ.

I love all your photos and your cheerful dialogue!

Well done.


01 січ.

We had a wonderful experience at the German Christmas dinner, with what I thought was the most beautifully decorated table, Spode and Green, I've had the experience of being seated at. Danielle and Steven spent hours cooking a wonderful German dinner and a delicious assortment of German goodies for dessert.

Congratulations on your very successful year with your business and still finding the time to delight us with your exceptionally creative table settings.

Love, Mom

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